One reason that I absolutely love photography is that there is no right and no wrong. Photography allows mistakes. You can have fun, create and take risks. I love being able to just play and explore and even though I usually have a concept in mind before shooting, I enjoy capturing an image and letting the viewer come up with the story. These next few images are from a cold Sunday afternoon in February. My friend Lauren was a trooper, and her classic Hollywood look was fun to shoot. Hope you enjoy!
There are some people that you run across in this world that just breath life and energy into any situation. With such a great combination of edge and heart, Chelsea is one of those people. This Carolina turned Cali girl was such a joy to work with and even let me have some fun by putting her in the spin cycle. This first one is my favorite!
Cincy carries a big heart in a little body. She is a Mary Kay Sales Director and a membor of LoveGrows ( She is also the person who introduced me to the non-profit group and got me involved with Uganda and all the amazing kids there. I love her!!! Proud to be your friend!
I was introduced to Andy and Michelle about a year ago when I met with a group of strangers to discuss an orphanage in Mityana, Uganda. Now, months later, those strangers are family and some of the most amazing people I've ever encountered. Andy and Michelle are not only a beautiful couple on the outside, but their hearts radiate love for one another and for the children in Uganda (check out our non-profit at I was thrilled when they asked me to be a part of their holiday and take their Christmas card photos. Have a look....
Andy looks like such a Rock Star in this next one. Michelle's eyes are UNREAL! I love them!
True high school sweethearts, Stephanie and Patrick have dated for an amazing 11 years now (since the 9th grade)! They are both graduates of Clemson University where they made an addition to their family when they adopted their dog, Harley, during 2007's Bowman field adopt-a-thon. I asked them both to describe their favorite qualities about one another. Here's what they said. In her words: My favorite quality about Pat is his stress free mentality & joy for life. He really does balance me out. While I'm a worry wart and try to plan every minute of my life to a T, he will often calm me down and assure me that things will work out and there's nothing to worry about. In his words: My favorite quality about Stephanie would have to be her eyes... I can tell exactly how she feels just by looking into them. Secondly, I love her smile... it's just beautiful.