Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thomas Family {Portraits}

I absolutely ADORE this family... (i might be a little biased b/c they are part of mine)... but I think they are beautiful. I had such a great time in Fort Mill with the Thomas kids... The twins (Callie & Lily), the little spunky sister (Ellie Kate), and the new addition (Charlie Vaughn). All of the kids have such different personalities... and they loved the lollipops I brought them ;)

Vedra {Portraits}

Meet Vedra. She works for CBS Radio in Charlotte, NC and does some commercial acting on the side. Vedra is so fun and energetic. We decided to go for the urban look and met Uptown Charlotte for the shoot. Like most of my shoots, the location wasn't planned so we walked all around the city taking pictures and meeting some interesting characters along the way!